Turkey's Net Center!

We have the rightful pride of realizing quality product and service production with our wide product range, reliable trade and service understanding.

What We Do?

FİLE DÜNYASI, which produces 100% local and in-house plastic net, has been serving as UĞUR TEL for many years with its experience in the production of Galvanised Stitching Wire.

Bath Fiber, Pouch Fiber, Vegetable Net, Fruit Net, Citrus Net, Garlic Net, Onion Net, Dry Food Net, Toy Net, Ball Net, Bottle Protection Net, Jar Net, Glass Protection Net, Promotional Product We manufacture Plastic Net suitable for many product types such as nets.

http://www.filedunyasi.com.tr/betheme/ http://www.filedunyasi.com.tr/bethemesetting/ http://www.filedunyasi.com.tr/page/ http://www.filedunyasi.com.tr/build/ http://www.filedunyasi.com.tr/default/